Powerinst offers Voltage Presence Indicating System
By EPR Magazine Editorial November 27, 2017 12:59 pm IST
By EPR Magazine Editorial November 27, 2017 12:59 pm IST
Voltage Presence Indicating System
VPIS or VDU (Voltage Presence Indicating System or Voltage Detecting Unit) is a device used to indicate high voltage presence in the system. The product complies with IEC 61958.
The purpose of using VPIS is for permanent monitoring of all 3-phase line voltage. Presence of voltage indicates the operator about the voltage condition of the mains circuit of the switchgear. Bright red LED or neon lamp ensures individual phase presence. This system must be capacitively connected to main circuit via primary capacitor with capacitance within the range required. The device is intended to be used for indoor application.
VPIS (Voltage Presence Indicating System) with relay is a device to indicate high voltage presence in the system along with remote contact facility. In addition to the above said application, the inbuilt relay can be used for remote indication of any of the phase present in the system. The combination of relay can be made as per customer requirement. Like, common relay for all 3-phase, individual relay for each phase, combination as per requirement with 2 relay etc. Relay operates with external supply of 24 V DC. Contact rating of 10 A AC/DC.
Technical information
Ajit D. Kulkarni
Powerinst Electromagnets Pvt Ltd
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