Gravity lightning conductor for lightning protection
By EPR Magazine Editorial December 8, 2017 10:52 am IST
By EPR Magazine Editorial December 8, 2017 10:52 am IST
An active lightning protection system is the only possible method to protect from direct lightning strikes. Gravity is a pre-emptive structural lightning protection system which sends out strong upward streamer earlier than conventional air terminals or any other objects on earth. The streamer from the final tip earlier than other competing structural points, the gravity terminal becomes a preferred point for the capture of the lightning discharge within the protected area.
Gravity lightning conductor is shaped by two variable impedance units. One of them is connected to ground and the other at atmospheric potential. Huge magnitude of electric fields are getting created during a thunderstorm and the Gravity variable impedance units which are separated by a very short distance and time, create an upward leader much earlier than any other objects due to the difference in potential between the variable units.
For the proper protection, the object to be protected should fall under a protection zone whose electromagnetic characteristics enable the object to withstand the stress causing the damage to be reduced. This means protection from physical damage or failure of electrical and
electronic systems due to a sudden voltage surge.
M. Gunasekaran, Technical Director
Gravin Earthing & Lightning Protection system (P) Ltd
Mobile: +91-98408 21468
Tele: +91-44-49523000
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