ERDA contributes to Kakrapar Atomic Power Project
By EPR Magazine Editorial July 29, 2020 3:37 pm IST
By EPR Magazine Editorial July 29, 2020 3:37 pm IST
The indigenously designed 700 MW unit 3 of Kakrapar Atomic Power Project (KAPP-3) has attained first criticality, controlled self-sustaining nuclear fission chain reaction on 22nd July. The KAPP-3 unit achieving criticality means that it has reached the normal operating condition of a reactor and the plant is now set to generate power.This nuclear power plant has a special significance as the KAPP-3 reactor, being the largest indigenously developed model of the latest Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) technology, designed by the Indian scientists and technocrats, built and commissioned by Indian engineers and technicians and operated by Indian operator. The ‘achieving criticality’ of this unit was congratulated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi as ‘a shining example of Make in India campaign’.
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