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Home » Elecrama » Elecrama 2018 » Sabo displays advanced lightning protection systems

Sabo displays advanced lightning protection systems

By March 8, 2018 11:53 am IST

Sabo displays advanced lightning protection systems

We want all industry should be free from any trouble from lightning protection and earthing related issues.

Pawan Agarwal, Director, Sabo Systems Pvt Ltd

At ELECRAMA 2018, Sabo will showcase its upgraded products as per the market requirement. Pawan Agarwal, Director, Sabo Systems Pvt Ltd says, “We regularly upgrade the product as per the latest developments and requirements of the market. All our products remain new with latest advancements and test certifications.”

He adds “New and exclusivity of our lightning protection and earthing system is that we design the same based on the customised requirements of the customer. We study and calculate the requirement as per the relevant standards and then suggest the same to customer.”


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Sabo’s Advanced Active Lightning Protection System
Every year lightning kills thousands lives within India only and also causes billions of rupees worth of damages to structures and electronics as a result of over voltages and thermal damages. The awesome natural phenomenon of lightning, which strikes the earth an estimated 6,000 times per minute, is an ever present and unpredictable enemy. It is a danger to humanity and a danger to all the equipments and structures.

“Lightning and earthing system design is not proper in most parts of the world. Losses due to the same are huge, downtime of system parts and its maintenance leads to further losses. We want all industry should be free from any trouble from lightning protection and earthing related issues,” informs Pawan.

Advanced Technology based on Ion generator
This advanced lightning conductor is a dynamic device which has a very strong central ion generating system that is able to generate ions and requires no external source of power supply. This remarkable terminal has the ability to concentrate only the electric field, which occur in microsecond time slot as the leader charges approach to ground. “The unique lightning protection system has been designed to provide repetitive electrical discharge only during the time of approach of the downward Leader. If we have to install this protection device to a certain building, we require only one lightning conductor, only one down conductor with 2 earth pit and will protect the entire buildings, monuments and surrounding area from direct lightning damages,” informs Pawan.

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