Cyber attacks threaten to bring down electricity infrastructure
By EPR Magazine Editorial November 29, 2017 12:02 pm IST
By EPR Magazine Editorial November 29, 2017 12:02 pm IST
Many utilities believe cyber attacks could bring down the electric distribution grid in the next five years, finds Accenture Research
Almost two-thirds (63 per cent) of utility executives believe their country faces at least a moderate risk of electricity supply interruption from a cyber attack on electric distribution grids in the next five years, states a global survey by Accenture.
This figure, included in Accenture’s new report, Outsmarting Grid Security Threats, part of the Digitally Enabled Grid research program, rises to 66 per cent for Asia Pacific utilities executives.
The survey of more than 100 utilities executives from over 20 countries revealed interruptions to the power supply from cyber attacks is the most serious concern, cited by 57 per cent of global respondents. Just as worrying is the physical threat to the distribution grid. Fifty-three per cent of global executives cite employee and/or customer safety and 43 per cent cite the destruction of physical assets as their biggest concerns.
Sandeep Dutta, Managing Director and Lead, Resources, Accenture in India said, “Cyber Security is a critical, universal issue. Supported by the National Smart Grid mission, distribution companies across India are on the road to digitisation. As they ramp up, it is important that they consider the potential perils to their networks and to their customers, and embed cyber security as a core component of the design.”
While the increased connectivity of industrial control systems enabled by the smart grid will drive significant benefits in the form of safety, productivity, improved quality of service and operational efficiency, 88 per cent globally agreed that cyber security is a major concern in smart grid deployment.
Distribution utilities are also increasingly exposed by the growth of connected Internet of Things (IoT) domestic devices, such as connected home hubs and smart appliances. These bring a new risk to distribution companies which is hard to quantify, with 78 per cent of Asia Pacific utilities executives suggesting IoT as a potential threat to cyber security. A third of the respondents in Asia Pacific also consider cyber criminals as the biggest risk for distribution businesses.
Utilities must improve cyber security capabilities and develop a resilient delivery system
A significant number of distribution utilities have much to do in developing a robust cyber response capability with more than four in 10 respondents claiming cyber security risks were not, or were only partially integrated, into their broader risk management processes.
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