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Home » Guest Column » IEC 61439-1-2 Edition 3 compliance is no longer a choice!

IEC 61439-1-2 Edition 3 compliance is no longer a choice!

By January 3, 2023 2:11 pm IST

IEC 61439-1-2 Edition 3 compliance is no longer a choice!

Modutec walks that extra mile with its Panel Partners through empowering critical compliance to the International Standard of IEC 61439.
In a way Modutec has created HISTORY, not just in India, but in the world, when for a given IEC 61439-1-2 Edition 3 Type Test, through Intertek ASTA, 75 + Panel Builders across the length & breadth of India were empowered with Vendor Certificates in their Company name on the first page. The PMCC Switchboard Type Tested was a 4000A ACB incomer with 2 Tier ACBs, MCCBs & a Starter outgoing. The switchgear used was ABB make. The concept is that, as long as the Panel Builder builds his Project Switchboard in alignment with the design Type Tested for, using the Enclosure system of Modutec & switchgear of ABB, with the extrapolations permitted, the Switchboard thus manufactured would be deemed to be compliant.
Fundamentally, why does the Specifier insist on IEC 61439-1-2 Certification for the project switchboard? Invariably, he has a brief from the End User that the Switchboard used in his project should be a certified Switchboard. And why? Because he buys the Switchboard not because he LOVES it but because he FEARS it. His huge investment in the infrastructure is at the mercy of this Switchboard which is the heart of the electrical distribution system. If this fails, the repercussions could be huge, sometimes devastating. Hence, he does not want to take any chances with safety, reliability & convenience. This TRUST which is therefore sought, is largely a factor of the Panel Builders’ Competency, Integrity & Goodwill!
The Panel Builder has to therefore focus on all these three aspects to build his business in the market segment of compliant switchboards:

  1. COMPETENCY: Modutec trains their Panel Partners not just in their factory & through downloadable technical content on their website, but also via Webinars & Seminars for the thorough understanding of the nuances of this Standard. Check out:

We offer to support our Panel Partners with Declaration of Conformity Certificates against each of the 12 Tests vis a vis their specific Project Switchboard. We further back this up with Temperature Rise & Short Circuit calculations so that there are no surprises when commissioned. We further, undertake to inspect the Switchboard before the Panel Builder offers it for inspection to the Specifier, & ensure that all the design compliances are taken care of. We follow up with the Panel Builder to ensure he has further taken care of the Inspection points & hand hold the IEC 61439-1-2 compliance for a win-win-win.

  1. INTEGRITY: implies trustworthiness & incorruptibility to a degree that one is incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility or pledge. Modutec works closely to inculcate such values & build culture amongst its own team members first. Modutec has defined together with its top team its CULTURE CHARTER that goes by the acronym HUMANE. It stands for High on innovation, Unwavering focus, Mutual respect, Authentic always, Nurturing win-win-win &Excellence & continual learning. Armed with this alignment, our team shares the importance of such an approach to its Panel Partners as together, we need to operate from a space of responsibility & belongingness. So all submissions shall be with integrity, transparency & respect.
  2. GOODWILL: A Panel Builder, develops his brand & goodwill based on several factors. Some of them are the company he keeps, the decisions he makes & the compliance he delivers. When he demonstrates project after project that he & his team understand the IEC 61439-1-2 Standards, & are capable of submitting the required derivations / extrapolations / calculations & execute their switchboards in alignment to these, then Goodwill is created. Modutec walks that extra mile with their Panel Partners to empower such conscious compliance.

The above really is a generic answer. The objections a Panel Builder could receive wrt compliance could be questions as follows and here are answers that should satisfy:

  1. The above Type Test Certificate is with ABB Switchgear. What if the End User insists on say Legrand for reasons best known to him?

Then it is a call the Specifier & the End User take to satisfy themselves that as long as the Panel Builder follows the Type Tested design albeit using the desired Switchgear, the switchboard shall be accepted with this deviation. In fact, in certain Countries, up to a specific rating, such device substitution is officially permitted.

  1. The required switchboard has VFDs in the outgoing as well as soft starters. Now these products were not part of the Type Test. So how to declare compliance?

Once again, the End User & Specifier have to take a call, as for any manufacturer to have their Switchboard Type Tested with all electrical devices, is not practically possible.

  1. What if the site conditions require a Double Front Panel to restrict width & this combination is not Type Tested?

The major concerns would be Temperature Rise & Short Circuit. So with the submission of these calculations, it would be up to the Specifier & the End User to accept this arrangement.


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    The project requirement demands 5000A incomer ACB, while the Type Test has been done for 4000A only. Can we extrapolate upwards?

Answer is no. However, once again, if the End User & Specifier agree to accept the deviation, in the light of a Declaration of Conformity with deviations, then it’s a practical call that gets taken.

  1. If the ambient temperature sought in the Tender is 50 degrees C, but the TT is done for a lesser ambient, then can calculations be given to justify the compliance?

Grey area. Some agree, some do not. Again, the triad will need to come to a mutually acceptable solution to go forward in such situations. The calculations can support the prognosis, & the all-important Trust plays an important role again.
End of day, it’s also a supply-demand equation. There is generally no perfect answer, no accurate compliance & no precise solution. Progress is the key. However, one will need to get into the arena to play the game & for this he would need an Entry Ticket!
Modutec understood this need & looked around for the options the Panel Builder had:

  1. He goes for Type Testing himself. This could cost him anywhere between Rs 40 to Rs 80 Lacs (50K USD to 100K USD) depending on the switchgear combinations, switchboard rating & the certifying body. This apart from the probability of failures & the cost of distraction from his core business of Panel Building.
  2. He aligns with a Switchgear Mfg like Schneider, Siemens, ABB & so on for their IEC 61439-1-2 offering. This involves huge License Fees & the massive disadvantage that there would be no choice of switchgear, but theirs. Further, no Certificate from the Certifying body would generally be issued in the name of the Panel Builder.
  3. He has the choice of going with a Type Tested Rittal or Elsteel enclosure with such combinations as per certification obtained by them. Here, again affordability, availability & accessibility could be challenges that would need to be overcome.
  4. He could outsource the Main Panels wherein the Specification insists on Certification & execute the rest of non-IEC switchboards. Even if the End User & Specifier are happy with such a hybrid solution, the economics of such an approach should work out for the Panel Builder.
  5. And then, there is the choice of going for the Modutec Enclosures with the option of a Type Test Certificate in the exclusive name of the Panel Builder on the first page of the Intertek ASTA Certificate. Further, Modutec has IEC 61439-1-2 accreditations with another 5 more makes of Switchgear, eg: Schneider, Siemens, LS Electric, Mitsubishi & Eaton which could be leveraged by the Panel Builder!

Moreover, unlike the options of 1 to 4 above, Modutec is Faster, Smarter & Greener. The skeletal profiles along with the partitions & bus bar systems can be supplied first so that the Panel Builder can go ahead with the assembly, bus bar work & power wiring. Thereafter in quick succession, the hinged & bolted Doors can be supplied along with the gland & cover plates, so that the speed of execution is the most rapid amongst the options. What’s more, the profiles can be cut in multiples of 30mm as required to accommodate any special dimensional site requirements.  This innovative design has been patented & is tremendously user friendly.
Further all the doors are reversible LHS to RHS & vice versa & so are the vertical modules mergeable as required; even at site with just the change in the respective hinged door. The fact that welding is largely avoided, leads to the Modutec solution being sustainable, sensitive & supportive of our planet.
So, if you are a Panel Builder who is regretting enquiries which have IEC 61439-1-2 specified, think twice. Modutec is here to not just introduce you to, but also hand hold you & understand your varying Client requirements; offering solutions that work for the Industry. And all this at a fraction of the cost of Type Testing!
Reach out to us at avail of our Windfall Offer for IEC 61439-1-2 Certification with all the missionary zeal we come to the table with to simplify panel building. 75+ Panel Builders have availed of this offer & are compliant, learning & growing. What about you?
Modutech_EPR Magazine
Ramani Mani

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