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Smart lighting the “new normal”

By December 27, 2020 12:31 pm IST

Smart lighting the “new normal”

Smart Lighting is basically an illumination management system. Designed for energy efficiency, convenience and security. This may include high efficiency fixtures and automated controls that make adjustments based on conditions such as occupancy or daylight availability. It includes task lighting, accent lighting, and general lighting.
Market expectations turning smart 
 Smart Lighting consists of variety of sensors, controllers, LED luminaire is an ideal choice to meet the energy saving criteria, economic pricing, instant linear controls and long life. To which Kishan Jain, Director at Goldmedal Electricals Pvt. Ltd., said, “We, at Goldmedal, are advocates of eco-friendly, economical and sustainable electrical solutions. All Goldmedal products offer tremendous value for money and are energy efficient. Our research and development team conducts extensive market surveys and closely tracks industry trends that enable us to stay updated about the demands of the market. Almost all of our lighting products use LED technology and are designed in keeping with the needs of modern homes and offices.” With the pandemic changing our way of life and restricting us indoors, we were able to foresee the rise in the demand for indoor lights. They have diversified our portfolio to include lights in every price and style segment.  Whereas elaborating about Syska’s market opinion, Rajesh Uttamchandani, Director at Syska Group said, “At Syska Group, sustainability and energy efficiency are the ultimate aspects of our business operations as the future depends on the practices we adopt today. More so, the pandemic led lockdown gave us an opportunity to see nature return to its element, proving that it is not too late. Since the global energy demands are only going to rise, it is time to implement sustainable, clean and greener alternatives. Syska is a leading FMEG brand in India that has brought retail revolution in the country. That said, the brand has an additional responsibility to deliver smart lighting solutions that are ahead of the curve. Syska, which is known for its technology-driven solutions, introduced a Sonic LED bulb with built in Bluetooth speaker in 2016. Voice command is one of the most revolutionizing inventions in the field of AI/IoT. The world is racing towards a whole new era of intelligent products which can be controlled simply by using voice from anywhere with internet access. Our brand offers a huge portfolio extending from bulbs to tubes, panel lights, down lights, strip lights and much more which are controlled by app and voice assistants. With this easy accessibility and convenience, in today’s world ‘SMART’ is not only a luxury but a necessity. There has been a drastic increase in demand for smart products and Syska has been leading the next gen lighting industry with advanced IoT/ AI technology. Syska Smart LED solutions also play an important role in saving power as it optimizes output and saves up to 70 percent energy with no compromise in performance.” The organisation is at the forefront of delivering innovative products based on the evolving needs and requirements of our consumers and are committed to offer transformational products based on these shifting consumer buying patterns. Competition rising among industries and to clear its stand Sharmila Kumbhat , Director, K-Lite Industries explained, “Coupled with the digital controls and the added advantages  with LED characteristics , the consumer and in turn the market expectations have dramatically changed in the recent times. Earlier, the luminaries’ manufacturer job was limited to design and fabrication of luminaries’ and ballast, outsource the light source from the branded companies and enter the market with their assembled luminaries’. Smart lighting and the specifications through lighting designers of the present time has forced them to know more about digital controls, internet of things (IOT), dimming concepts, tuneable LED for mood changing lighting, DALI controls, state of art optics through dedicated lenses etc., Yes, to cope with this demand we  updated our existing staff and recruited trained manpower for such dedicated applications.” To resolve and have stronger market position they expanded infra structure and equipped optics laboratory  facilities with the latest state of art machineries and testing equipments to meet the increased demand for varied applications. 
Contactless remote IOT-based smart lighting
The Covid-19 pandemic saw the rise of contactless modules- from transactions to delivery. And with developments in IoT technology, this module has been increasingly used in the smart home segment. Consumers’ requirements and inclinations considering lighting have undergone a remarkable alteration. The COVID outbreak has stimulated the demand for IoT based lighting products where a touch-free experience is enabled.  Further adding to it Jain said, “Today, smart LEDs are available in various colour temperatures that can improve productivity and overall wellbeing. Intelligent luminaries are an integral part of the smart tech revolution and will become a common fixture in a post-Covid world.” That said, the illumination industry is evolving and developing towards bringing sustainable, safe, and contactless products. Continues Kumbhat, “The concept of IOT is realised under the smart lighting through various sensors and controls and the job of luminaire manufacturer is limited to provide compatible  controls for the luminaires towards dimming, colour changing and remote controls etc., Accessories and controls  in these areas for LED are now readily available and the LED technology is changing day in and day out.” The major advantage of IoT based devices is the option to control remotely, which not only makes it easily accessible but also promotes personal hygiene. To explain Uttamchandani said, “This pandemic has provided an opportunity for contactless lighting solutions as it promotes hygiene helping people overcome the fear of touch. Smart Lighting supported with sensors and AI-driven software comes with the convenience of access, permitting the control of the product anytime and from anywhere, which is not only sustainable but also provides protection to users by eliminating the need for physical access.”
As the world slowly returns to normalcy, LED based touch-free and contactless lighting solutions can mean safety and peace of mind. Public spaces like offices, schools, colleges, community halls and gyms can feel a lot safer if they are equipped with contactless IoT-based smart lighting systems. Research has also shown that certain colour and temperature of light can impact the mood and mental health of humans.
Ecological balance in smart cities
With the current situation and the rapid population growth, the need for advanced technology that can help preserve energy resources has become a crucial subject. Cities demand high power consumption and resource expense. Adopting smart lighting will help enable a city not only maintain the ecological balance but also enhance living standards. Lighting is a major consumer of energy, but lighting blended with innovation, sensors, and energy-saving roots can decrease the quantity of power consumed on lighting. For which Uttamchandani said, “At Syska Group, sustainability, and energy efficiency are part of our vision. With constant development in technology and cognitive lighting and with the support of the government’s National Smart Cities Mission, we see the potential for a sustainable city and are striving towards developing not just a smart city that illuminates but also provides a safe and secure environment.” It is only after energy crisis / global warming due to various factors including environmental degradation etc.,and the aboslute need for energy saving measures were tightened , the possibility of substituting LEDs as a light source in the place of conventional sources like mercury vapour / SV / MH / FTL / CFL  lamps etc., was thought of . With LED lighting we eliminate the pollution caused due to mercury in the conventional lamps, reduction of power demand (for getting the same  light output  from conventional sources) and thereby  reduction of carbon emission in coal based power generation and above all , saving of natural resources which are  being exploited disproportionately causing ecological imbalance. Ecological balance ensures the stability of the organisms and environment.  Kumbhat speaks deeper, “How the excessive uncontrolled artificial   lighting known as light pollution contributes to the ecological balance is being highlighted everywhere. Light pollution is excessive, misdirected, or obtrusive artificial (usually outdoor) light. Too much light pollution has consequences: It washes out starlight in the night sky, interferes with astronomical research, disrupts ecosystems, has adverse health effects and wastes energy. Research on insects, turtles, birds, fish, reptiles, and other wildlife species shows that light pollution can alter behaviors, foraging areas, and breeding cycles.” In disrupting ecosystems, light pollution poses a serious threat in particular to nocturnal wildlife, having negative impacts on plant and animal physiology. It can confuse the migratory patterns of animals, alter competitive interactions of animals, change predator-prey relations, and cause physiological harm. The main causes of light pollution are (a) Poor Planning.(b) Excessive Use of Light. (c) Streetlamps, (d) Light From Houses and Garage Lamps, and (e) Night time-lighting.
It is such a context that LED luminaires with digital controls  have  all the provisions for a controlled environment and reduce / eliminate the light pollution. Whereas Jain says, “The current climate crisis calls for urgent and reliable solutions that are sustainable, energy efficient and eco-friendly. Since public spaces have a high energy demand owing to its need for high output street lighting, the implementation of smart lighting can be instrumental in maintaining the eco-balance. A smart city with an integrated network of hardware and software not only delivers ubiquitous connectivity but also intelligently controls the city’s lighting infrastructure.” For instance, the smart outdoor lights with embedded sensors are capable of sensing movement and adjusting the light output accordingly. The lights dim automatically when there is no movement detected after a certain amount of time. Such intelligent lighting systems will prove to be energy efficient as well as long lasting. Additionally, solar-powered smart lighting can further improve the overall ecological balance in smart cities, like IOT and smart application transformed the lighting businesses
Smart cities use Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as sensors, lights, and meters to collect and analyze data. The cities then use this data to improve infrastructure, public utilities and services, and more. Smart cities ensure that their citizens get from point A to point B as safely and efficiently as possible. IOT usage has facilitated for (a) Smart parking (b)  Smart Street lighting control, (c) waste management, etc. Kumbhat further added, “Transformation of all cities ( Tier 1 and Tier 2 to start with) has potentially increased bulk orders to the manufacturers and in particular the lighting business and the demand is expected to grow fast in the years to come  K-Lite is fully geared to meet the demand and in fact we have already started exporting  smart poles to EGYPT and Middle East” IoT and smart digital technologies is transforming every sector and the lighting sector is no different. However, the application of these technologies are still at a nascent stage in India. In recent years, manufacturers in the electrical segment have invested to develop application of this technology to lighting, but its true potential is yet to be fully explored. To add to it Jain said, “The progress is also slow due to network limitations like access to uninterrupted and high speed internet. These technologies rely heavily on the quality and speed of the network which ensures optimal performance and functioning of the product as well as excellent user experience.” With the talks of 5G implementation in the near future, communication and data sharing speeds will increase multi fold, which will lead to greater adoption on IoT enabled devices in almost all spheres of life. There has been increasing impetus on technologies in the field of the internet of things along with the powerful combination of sending information & performing actions through Wi-Fi & cloud. These are opening up numerous new possibilities in simplifying our day to day lives. To elaborate Uttamchandani said, “According to a recent report from the Electric Lamp and Component Manufacturers Association (ELCOMA), the Indian lighting market is expected to grow by ₹ 30 billion between years 2020-21. As a leading player in the consumer electrical space, it is an endeavour at Syska to bring consumer relevant propositions applying the latest technologies to the market. Syska as a brand has always focused on having the first mover advantage and takes into cognizance the fact that technology led innovations will drive the consumption of products. We have an extensive and intensive distribution network across length and breathe of country which helps us reach every household across India. Additionally, thanks to more focus on purchases from e-commerce platforms, we are seeing an enormous demand coming in from tier 2 & 3 cities owing to the availability of affordable data connectivity services which is making products easily available in such markets.” 


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Interestingly, 5G technology is fast gaining momentum and is set to transform businesses by enabling high speed connectivity. The next-generation cellular 5G technology will help in transmission of massive amounts of data with very little latency and will provide further boost to the IoT business and amplify the demand for smart lighting solutions.
Rajesh Uttamchandani, Director at Syska Group
“The world is racing towards a whole new era of intelligent products which can be controlled simply by using voice from anywhere with internet access.”
Sharmila Kumbhat, Director, K-Lite Industries
“Accessories and controls in these areas for LED are now readily available and the LED technology is changing day in and day out.”
Kishan Jain, Director at Goldmedal Electricals
“The progress is also slow due to network limitations like access to uninterrupted and high speed internet.”

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