Tamil Nadu added cost of energy for a hybrid renewable energy battery storage system
By EPR Magazine Editorial January 27, 2021 3:21 pm IST
By EPR Magazine Editorial January 27, 2021 3:21 pm IST
Renewable energy along with battery storage in Tamil Nadu is cost competitive with new coal power plants.
It added that the cost of energy for a hybrid renewable energy battery storage system in Tamil Nadu would be ₹ 4.97 per kilowatt hour (kWh) in 2021. The report studied a hypothetical RE-storage system for the analysis. “The levelized cost of energy for a hypothetical hybrid renewable battery storage system for the state would be ₹ 4.97 per kWh in 2021, which would have fallen to ₹ 3.4 per kWh by 2030,” said the economic viability analysis by Climate Trends and JMK Research. In comparison, the cost of electricity produced from new coal power plants in Tamil Nadu is between ₹ 4.5 per kWh to ₹ 6 kWh, it added.
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