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Home » Power Brand » Newtronics Green Energy: Bringing solar power to your doorstep

Newtronics Green Energy: Bringing solar power to your doorstep

By February 12, 2018 5:08 pm IST

Newtronics Green Energy: Bringing solar power to your doorstep

Solar being the simplest form of energy resources among other power generating options. Simplicity in terms of plug-and-play installation, low maintenance and short construction period compare to nuclear plant, solar has become the most attractive energy generating source for the power developers in India.

In the past, solar being the renewable energy source was considered expensive sources of energy due to high cost of imported solar PV module. Modules account 60 per cent of a solar power project cost and their price fell by about 52 per cent in 2017 alone. The term “Cheap and Best” exists only in advertisement. In reality, quality almost always has a price tag on it. The quality of modules, inverter and other equipment is definitely an issue in the Indian solar segment. These are 25-year long projects and it is important to ensure good performance over the project lifetime.

The Government of India has set a target of about 175 GW by 2022 from all renewable energy sources and has revised the National Solar Mission target of grid connected solar power project from 20 GW to 100 GW by 2022. As per the current market scenario, by 2030 India aimed to address 40-45 percent of its power get generated from renewable energy sector.
However, India needs to work harder to establish a robust network involving developers, government authorities and financial institutions to work in synergy. The economics of the rooftop solar segment remain quite attractive that the industry is growing at almost a 100 per cent CAGR despite these issues. Rooftop solar is economically cheaper for a large segment of the Indian population now but the problems of the net metering process and financing are holding it back.

Jodhpur based Newtronics Green Energy (NGE) was established in 2012, having a diversified portfolio in the field of energy efficient LED lights, India’s first power saver energy efficient BLDC “SUPERFAN” ceiling fan and specialises in diversified solar energy products and services for EPC projects and to supply best quality of solar modules in photovoltaic (PV) and monocrystalline(mono), solar water pump, solar rooftop or ground mounted system for industrial, commercial and domestic use. The company plans to introduce solar air conditioner which would work in 36-48 Voltage by using minimum wattage of solar modules.

NGE believes that, if the existing ceiling fans in India are replaced by SUPERFAN, the power demand can come down from 13,650 MW to 4,900 MW – a huge reduction of 8,750 MW for the nation. The BLDC motors used in SUPERFAN have permanent magnets that make them more efficient but more expensive. They also require sensors to indicate rotor position to the electronic drive. Using an electronic drive introduces harmonics to power source. If this is not controlled, the use of millions of ceiling fans will reduce the effectiveness of our power distribution system. SUPERFAN specification that would equal or exceed the specification of products currently available in the market – low power consumption only 35 watt on high speed, at low speed only 4 watt, remote operated, simple installation procedure, power factor control, stylish and green – and all these at lowest incremental cost. It comes with limited 5 years warranty.


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Jeetendra Saraf
Newtronics Green Energy, Jodhpur
Tele: +91-9414440798,,

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