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Home » Power Brand » Standalone, touch-free thermal scanning kiosk with testo 872 thermal camera

Standalone, touch-free thermal scanning kiosk with testo 872 thermal camera

By October 3, 2020 2:30 pm IST

Standalone, touch-free thermal scanning kiosk with testo 872 thermal camera

Moving forward in the new normal with the existing COVID 19 pandemic situation and it becomes very necessary for all workplaces and public areas to implement equally effective precautionary measures. Testo being one of the market leaders in T&M sector introduced the new touch-free and standalone thermal scanning system for escalated body temperature measurements that keeps your workplace safe.

Testo thermal Imagers can detect elevated body temperatures of people that might arise due to a virus like COVID-19 and the new kiosk arrangement mounted with thermal camera testo 872 and visual display monitor makes the scanning process more intuitive, safe and free from any human interface requirements.

In the times to come when schools, colleges, institutes, theatres, malls, temples, train stations, metro stations are about to open, this advanced thermal scanning system will be crucial for the safety of the people from the point of view of reducing the spread of the Covid-19.

Automated Fever Detection System – Thermal Camera testo 872withKIOSK
This system is an excellent solution to ensure safety at any facility and comes with several useful components put together collectively as one unit.
Thermal scanner: Testo 872 which is Wi-Fi enabled and equipped with smart technology (Infrared Resolution up to 320 X 240 pixels, 60mK thermal sensitivity) is mounted on a kiosk stand supported by an adjustable aluminium extruded profile member at the back that, allows the user to adjust the height of the measuring instrument if required.

Visual display monitor: The kiosk stand also supports a 22-inch LED display that can be used as a virtual screen to witness the measurement results. The software display gives visual test results in green and red colour highlights for normal and elevated temperatures, respectively.

Audio visual alarm: Most significant feature of the system is audible alarm (hooter) and LED indicators (green and red) mounted at the top of the stand to alert about escalated body temperature of people. This can be seen from a safe distance by security or medical health professional or system administrators. This avoids the risk of disease transmission.

Processing unit: A CPU with mouse and keyboard are also connected with the screen that helps to run the thermal scanning software, create and extract the reports from the same location after the scanning is completed for the day. This eliminates the need to carry any manual data recording.

This entire solution is developed to make the existing process touch-free, fully automatic, independent, and secure, eliminating the need for human intervention and manual monitoring.

Software & system operation
This solution provides automated testing, recording, system configuration and reporting options. People under scanning just need to go in front of the camera and the instrument ensures automatic face detection with recording maximum temperature in eye which is near to core body temperature.


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Application areas & measurement protocols
Implementation of thermal inspection looks the need of an hour and with the mandate issued by Ministry of Health that encourages the implementation of thermal scanning at all public spaces, it becomes the responsibility of management, decision makers, public health care facility, security personals, institutional heads etc. to ensure the health and safety of the public, colleagues, students and other associates.

Moreover, it is advised to maintain the surrounding conditions and follow the protocol for meaningful and accurate results such as:
• Room temperature to be 20-24-degree C and relative humidity @10-50 percent.
• Avoid reflective backgrounds (glass, mirrors, and metallic surfaces) to minimise reflected infrared radiation.
• Measurement area should have no draft (movement of air), direct sunlight, and source of strong lighting or radiant heat (portable heaters, halogen light, electrical sources).
• Scanning of single person at a time is recommended.

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