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Taking Advantage of Multiple Brands for IEC 61439 Compliance

By November 15, 2021 12:20 pm IST

Taking Advantage of Multiple Brands for IEC 61439 Compliance

A question I’ve been asking Panel Builders is: “What do you do when you receive an Enquiry that specifies IEC 61439.”

The A-category panel builders are usually confident in replying that they are either aligned with a Schneider Blokset or Prisma, others with ABB Artuk and yet more with Siemens Siepan and so on. Well, in the rare case, I do get a response that we have our own certification with XYZ brand of switchgear, with a sense of pride in it.

Most of the B&C category panel builders, however, declare that they do not quote as they are disadvantaged here. How sad. Some say, they opt to use Rittal enclosures. However, they quickly follow through in complaining, that they get out-priced here.

The fact is that hardly a year ago, for every 10 enquiries a panel builder would receive, only 2 or 3 had IEC 61439 specified. Today these numbers have gone up to 6 or 7.

And then earlier, this standard was mostly for oil and gas and power segments. Today, even buildings, industry and PSUs have started making this the minimum requirement.

This trend was hitherto known in major cities in India only. Today, even Tier-II cities this specification is finding its way to project tenders.

And, why do we need this standard and how does it benefit the end-user? Well, fires are not uncommon in electrical installations due to an electrical short circuit or bad workmanship, right? So what does an end-user do to protect his investment as well as keep his people safe? He generally relies on an electrical consultant.


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For more details,

Contact: Ramani Mani, Managing Director, Modutec Ready Panels Private Limited

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