Ongoing energy transition will open multiple business opportunities
By EPR Magazine Editorial February 3, 2023 2:12 pm IST
By EPR Magazine Editorial February 3, 2023 2:12 pm IST
Waa Cables has been awarded “Vyapaar Ratna”, and “Best Product of the Year – 2022″ in the Wires and Cables Category by Vyapaar Jagat. “Honouring industry leadership, it reflects the company’s commitment towards the safest wires. We extend gratitude to all our stakeholders, customers, business partners and employees for their continuous contribution, says Ketan Vora, Director of WAACAB.
Business opportunities for ELECRAMA
ELECRAMA is the flagship showcase of the Indian Electrical and Allied electronics Industry ecosystem and the largest congregation of the power sector ecosystem in the geography. ELECRAMA brings together the complete spectrum of solutions that powers the planet from source to socket and everything in between. I am pleased to see the near-time focus of this event is on energy transition, displaying innovation and future technology which is in line with the Government of India’s Vision. For the industry’s growth and success, certain areas present unlimited business opportunities in the future including start-ups and new businesses where massive capital investments are being made i.e. Railways, Metro, Airport, Defense, Smart Cities, Buildings, and the EV ecosystem; small, medium and micro-businesses should be able to participate in the global supply chain as well; to reinforce the core of transmission and distribution, electrical products and equipment must be reliable, high-quality, and safe.
Performance index of green and smart cables in India
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