Smart meters to revolutionise India’s energy system
By EPR Magazine Editorial March 4, 2023 3:23 pm IST
By EPR Magazine Editorial March 4, 2023 3:23 pm IST
Ratna Garapati, Managing Director & CEO of CyanConnode India, expressed excitement about the potential of smart metering in India and CyanConnode’s plans to bring the remotest corners of the country under its gambit in an exclusive conversation with EPR Magazine.
Smart Metering: Key to India’s Carbon Emission Reduction and Sustainable Energy Transition
Indian industries are working towards the national vision of carbon emission reduction. Smart meters are an integral part of a flexible, de-centralised and de-carbonised energy system, which is central to India reducing its carbon emissions and reliance on unsustainable energy sources. As the central component of a digitalised smarter energy system, smart metering will facilitate better integration of renewable power and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, through efficiently managing energy supply and demand by using near-real time energy data.
CyanConnode, currently a world leader in design and development of narrowband RF mesh networks for smart metering, has kept climate action and sustainability at the core of its business where >50% of its revenues come from products and services that contribute to environmental objectives such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, waste and pollution reduction, and the circular economy. With our current orderbook in India, we have the potential to save over 1 lakh litres of fuel annually.
India’s journey towards digitalisation and transitioning to smart meters
Any ambitious and large-scale initiative goes through teething issues and initial hurdles where the focus is on building a strong foundation and to overcome any barriers and challenges. This was the case with smart metering in India as well, when sevral pilots were rolled out around 2014. CyanConnode had already been active and participated in few of these pilots and rolling them out successfully. Around 2018-19, the Indian Smart Metering landscape crossed this stage with immense contribution from the Government and moved on to its first large-scale project through EESL with an installation of 5 million smart meters. As of today over 5.2 million smart meters have already been installed of which over 1.2 million meters are exclusively communicating on CyanConnode’s communication network. Currently, tenders targeting about 115 million smart meters are already out and I believe we have hit the ‘Tipping Point’. We will begin to experience all of the benefits of smart metering in the coming few months.
Overcoming Hurdles and Moving towards Large-scale Implementation
The Government intends to achieve the goal of 250 million smart meter connected homes by 2025. We are confident that almost the entire 250 million will be bid out by 2025 and a majority of these would be implemented by 2027-28 as the implementation phase as per the Standard Bidding Document under Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) is 27 months. We are ready and geared up to support the AMISPs, Meter OEMs and utilities for all the communications related requirements for this large-scale implementation.
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