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Home » Special Report » Comprehensive EM management solutions for smart city infrastructure

Comprehensive EM management solutions for smart city infrastructure

By June 30, 2022 6:34 pm IST

Comprehensive EM management solutions for smart city infrastructure

In this article, Manav Energy talks about the criticalities of understanding electromagnetic interference and compatibility, while examining its hazards to human life and to electrical equipment.

Smart Cities are technologically advanced urban areas that are developing residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. The mission of developed and developing countries around the world has been to make cities smart, connected, and resilient. Cities’ functions are streamlined and optimised through the use of digital technologies.

For safe and dependable building operations, smart cities employ smart technologies such as smart lighting systems, communication, displays, and control systems. To function properly, these systems contain sensitive electronic components. Any disruption in the electrical network causes operational issues due to electromagnetic interference. Because of electromagnetic induction or radiation emitted into the environment, this interference affects an electrical system. This interference causes poor performance, unexpected system behaviour, and failures.

Electromagnetic interference and compatibility (EMI/ EMC) studies are critical for understanding the EM environment caused by installed equipment and the environment around it. It also examines the dangers of electromagnetic radiation to the human body. This research helps us understand the generation, propagation, and reception of electromagnetic energy, which can result in unwanted effects of electromagnetic interference (EMI) that can harm the operation of the electrical network. Biological hazards such as heating of sensitive tissues, interference with sensitive electronics, unwanted trips in sensitive instruments, disruptions in communication networks, and disruption in essential utilities are some of the common losses caused by insufficient EM compatibility.


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Manav Energy EM experts conduct various electromagnetic compatibility surveys and studies to determine electromagnetic polluters in order to provide a safe and reliable electrical network, thus providing comprehensive EM management solutions from conception to implementation for smart city infrastructures.

Comprehensive EM management solutions for smart city infrastructure

For more details, please contact: Mr. Goutham, BD Manager,

Manav Energy Contact Number: 9108627562

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