Fix the leakage
By EPR Magazine Editorial June 12, 2017 3:16 pm IST
By EPR Magazine Editorial June 12, 2017 3:16 pm IST
Featuring advanced solutions that help in dealing with AT&C losses
Power generation, transmission and distribution are the three activities in power industry. Energy is consumed and loss is incurred in every step of these activities. Among the three activities, a loss in power distribution is the maximum as it has grown up in an unplanned manner.
The parameters of aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) loss, that provides a realistic picture of energy and revenue loss situation, consist of two parts that is technical loss and commercial loss. Technical loss depends upon losses incurred from machinery (transformers), lines and improper maintenance of plant and machinery etc. However, under commercial loss, theft is one of the main causes of the high losses. Theft occurs in several ways like namely by tapping transmission lines and tampering by passing meter.
Dr Sanjiv Kawishwar, Sr. Vice President, ReGen Powertech outlines the various aspects of distribution loses as:
The scope of AT&C loses in a developing country like India is very high – ranging from 11 to 71 per cent across States. However, putting corrective measures in place will help to curb it. Commercial losses contribute to maximum percentage and this can be corrected with better billing and collection efficiency. However electricity theft is an important aspect to be plugged.
Commenting on advanced solutions for power theft loss detection, Anil Kadam, Senior Manager – Solution Architect (Utilities), Schneider Electric, India said, “Smart gird technologies bring in various solutions like online energy audit and big data pattern recognition to help reduce AT&C losses due to electricity theft. Technical losses can be reduced by implementing with increased operational efficiencies using advanced distribution management systems and of course with low loss equipment.”
Dr Kawishwar also highlights some of the advanced solution for power theft loss detection:
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