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Home » Special Report » Green transmission for a sustainable future

Green transmission for a sustainable future

By February 3, 2020 11:29 am IST

EPR (Electrical & Power Review) | EPR Magazine

Industry leaders discuss the benefits of green cables and how they are changing the image of the power sector positively.

According to World Health Organisation estimates, 240 million people globally are overexposed to lead poisoning. The lead-based metallic sheath used in power cables for earthing and anti-corrosion purposes contributes to 35-48 per cent of the weight of cables of voltage levels ranging from 66 kV to 220 kV.

Views on the government’s plans to promote green transmission
A single kilometer of cable, which weighs about 20 tonne/km has lead content of almost 8 tonne/km. Uderground power cables have an average life span of 25-30 years and once they are laid, they are never dismantled.

Balachandran Dharman, Director, R R Kabel said, “In the last decade, the use and adoption of modern gadgets has gained rapid traction and we can witness that every home is equipped with a refrigerator, TV, air conditioner, microwave, washing machine, etc., while the wires that power them are still PVC insulated. These PVC insulated wires have a low temperature rating of only 70 degrees (while our ambient summer temperatures reach as high 50 degrees in certain pockets, while the average is in the region of 45 degrees) and they tend to get overloaded.”

Bishan Jain, Director at Goldmedal Electricals said, “The decision to promote green transmission will be a step towards a greener, cleaner and safer India. The Union Power Ministry and Central Electricity Authority (CEA) are constantly working towards greener options in electric transmission cables. Switching to greener alternatives is an obvious choice to protect the environment and address the health concerns.”

Naman Singhal, Director, Prime Cables Industries Pvt. Ltd said, “It’s a great initiative, considering the pollution in New Delhi especially. It is taking a huge toll already. If we don’t do something now, we will face its consequences further. We are also trying to contribute towards the initiative.”

He adds, “Every single cable that we produce is FRLS, low-smoke cables. So when it comes in contact with fire, there would be minimal or no smoke emitted in the environment.”

Ujwal Shah, Proprietor, AI Earthing, said, “The government’s vision for green transmission is a good venture, and we as a company are in support of this. Our company is moving from traditional earthing to metal-free earthing, for which we are developing environment-friendly earth rods with alternate materials.”

Aluminium-based cable sheaths are greener and cheaper alternatives than lead, and switching to greener alternatives is an obvious choice to protect the environment and health concerns.

Measures to ensure the maximum application of green cables for safe transmission
For green cables, it is definitely where each and everything is relevant. Nowadays everything has got positives and negatives. So, for green energy everyone is trying to make fire-resistant cables. So, if you use that, at least there can be less pollution and safety can remain in check too. Undergrounding is the replacement of overhead cables providing electrical power or telecommunications, with underground cables. It demonstrates the higher technology in developed countries for fire prevention and to make the power lines less susceptible to outages during high wind thunderstorms or heavy snow or ice storms. An added benefit of undergrounding is the aesthetic quality of the landscape without the powerlines. Undergrounding can increase the initial costs of electric power transmission and distribution but may decrease operational costs over the lifetime of the cables. Now the Odisha government has identified this elephant corridor. They have already invested 500 crore rupees for underground cables, because overhead cables can cause accidents which can disrupt elephant population.

Dharman added, “It is globally accepted and practised that wires & cables used in the building segment should be able to address and withstand the rigours of installation and is able to provide the end user with higher levels of safety as it used in environments where unforeseen acts during the usage could result in major mishaps.”

Singhal said, “The generation, transmission and distribution boards of almost every state in India are focusing on green transmission and many of them have implemented it to an extent of 90 percent.”

Industrial players are using FRLS cables, and in other components also they’re introducing such materials and technologies. They are using FRLS in plastics and the plastics industry is also shifting towards biodegradable materials from non-biodegradable ones.

Shah added, “We are currently in the process of educating and convincing our clients to switch from traditional earthing, which is not good for the environment, to metal-free earthing.”

Green cables help in reducing power leakage and as they are underground also help in avoiding pilferage.

The pricing difference and benefits of switching to green cables and sustainable wires
Although overhead power lines are typically more economical, they are susceptible to damage from wind-borne tree branches, debris and high wind and ice-loading conditions from extreme weather.


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Now whatever is being used in the market is mainly zero halogen, so we contribute towards green cables as zero halogen is low-smoke and fire resistant.
Mahendra Gupta, Managing Director, Gupta Power Infrastructure Limited

Cost difference should be negligible considering the huge benefit that one derives by using green and eco-friendly wires.
Balachandran Dharman, Director, R R Kabel

The generation, transmission and distribution boards of almost every state in India are focusing on green transmission and many of them have implemented it to an extent of 90 percent.
Naman Singhal, Director, Prime cables

The household wire segment is a ₹ 12,000-crore market and the segment is expected to boom with growing demand for power and light. This is further fueled by low penetration of organized players in the Indian market.
Rajesh Uttamchandani, Director, Syska Group

Companies in this sector, including Goldmedal, have already introduced lead-free and halogen-free wires and cables.
Bishan Jain, Director, Goldmedal Electricals

The price of green cables and sustainable wires is cheaper compared to traditional cables, as it is maintenance-free, thereby saving costs the long run.
Ujwal shah, proprietor, AI Earthing

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