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Smart switchgears for smart grids

By December 8, 2017 12:46 pm IST

Smart switchgears for smart grids

Analysing the role of advanced switchgear technology in smart grid

Role of advanced switchgear technology in smart grid
Smart grids can be characterised by a two-way flow of electricity and information and are capable of monitoring everything from power plants to customer preferences to individual appliance. Although smart grid applications have increased rapidly but still the clear definition of smart grid varies according to different grasps of the matter. The present electric power system structure is less energy-efficient, physically and virtually (or cyber) insecure, as well as prone to power transmission congestion and consequent failures. And, one of the major goals of the new system is to effectively regulate energy usage by utilising the backbone of the prospectively deployed Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI), and Demand Response (DR) programs via the advanced distribution automation and dynamic pricing models.

Briefing on the role of advanced switchgear technology in smart grid Suresh Duggal, General Manager, Havells India Ltd says, “Smart switchgear products can be monitored remotely for their status and can also be given command for operation. Also, the smart switchgear products (ACB) have features like thermal memory, zone selective interlocking, breaker failure protection, ready to close, and are intelligent enough to communicate among themselves in the upstream, midstream and downstream to provide smart coordination in the power system. Intelligent automation proposed in smart grid project includes the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition/Energy Management Systems (SCADA/EMS) through MODBUS protocol.”

He adds, “With these smart functions, the electricity can be managed smartly and effectively to get higher efficiency from the system. Smart switchgear is enabling better visibility, real-time information, improved predictive diagnostics which overall contributes to higher energy efficiency and better reliability of the power infrastructure. “

As technology is getting innovated and upgraded every day, smart panels and advanced switchgear are pulling huge demand by Industry OEM’s and end-users, believes Piyush Garg, Addl. Director, Balaji Switchgears Pvt Ltd. He adds, “Industries which require Real-Time analysis and reports are opting for such switchboards. Energy conversation and optimum utilisation can be definitely achieved if such Solutions are implanted at one’s end. Also with the world becoming an open digital platform, Advanced Switchboards seems to boost good market in years to come.”

World Energy Consumption is projected to increase by 50 per cent from 2005 to 2030. And thus future power grids must meet sound needs.

Gautam Seth, Jt. MD, HPL Electric & Power Ltd says, “Smart grid must be capable of providing power from multiple and widely distributed sources example from wind turbines, concentrating solar power systems, photovoltaic panels and perhaps even plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Since all renewable energy seems invented so far vary greatly with time, a smart grid must be capable of flexibility storing electric power for later use. Further it requires improve power reliability and for that a smart gird must be of new and highly sophisticated adaptive generation and distribution control algorithms.”
Seth says, smart grid must include following typical components;
• Intelligent appliances: Capable of deciding when to consume power based on preset customer preferences, reducing peak loads and prevent damaging greenhouse emissions.
• Smart Power Meters: Featuring two way communications between consumers and power providers.
• Smart substations from monitoring and control of critical and non critical operational data such as power factor, breaker, transformer etc.

Smart distributions which are self healing, self balancing self optimising, automated monitoring, analysis tools capable of detecting or rather predicting failure based on real time data with weather outage history etc.

To determine the electrical behaviour of smart grid, the advance switchgear to have integrated communication, sensing and measurement, advance components in power electronics, super conductivity. Chemistry and micro electronics advanced control methods to analyse diagnose and predict grid conditions and autonomously take appropriate corrective actions and improved interfaces and decision support.

He adds, “These advance switchgears would give benefit of self healing, motivating more consumers resist attacks, provides power quality for 21st century needs by optimising assets and operational efficiency.”

Offered solutions
HPL Electric is known for its technologically advanced and innovative products and taking this forward, AV ATS is designed as per the latest design and manufacturing needs, meeting world class standards. The product is available pan-India. At nearly 50 per cent share of the entire market for changeover switches, HPL is one of the oldest manufacturers of LV switchgear in India. They also enjoy significant brand recall and customer loyalty and have increased their presence across other switchgear products in the industrial and residential segments.

HPL’ AV ATS is a simple strong and reliable mechanism to provide a safe changeover of sources, remotely. It has been developed keeping in mind the safety requirements of the new age customers who are more aware about safety measures, preferring branded and quality conscious electrical components to safeguard their systems and prevent threats posed by short circuits. All live parts are shrouded eliminating the possibilities of casualties and electric hazards. The insulation property of the material used is highly reliable, self-extinguishing with high thermal withstand properties and remains intact in even critical conditions.

The AV ATS is compact in size and hence helps in saving space in the enclosures, panels etc. The handling is easy and simple. Its simplicity and ease in use allows the user for quick installation.


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Switchgear solutions from Havells
Havells switchgear solutions (air circuit breakers, automatic transfer switches etc.) have become smarter as these switchgears not only provide advanced protection but can also measure various electrical parameters which can be communicated to energy management systems and building management systems on real time basis. In addition to the above, Havells is also working on another vital link of distribution system that is moulded case circuit breaker.

Prisma Panels from Balaji Switchgears
“With Schneider we have a dedicated range of Smart Panels termed as Prisma Panels,” says Garg.

Prisma Panel
Factors that make the difference
• Wall mounted and floor standing as per IEC 61439-1&2.
• Up to 4000A
• Up to Ip54
• Up to from 4B
• Up to 85KA/standing

Prisma Panels unique features
It is simple-to-install smart panels connect your building to real saving in 3 steps.
• Measure
Embedded and standalone metering and control capabilities.
• Connect
Integrated communication interfaces
Ready to connect to energy management platforms
• Save
Data-drive energy efficiency actions
Real time monitoring and control
Access to energy and site information through on-line services

Suresh Duggal, General Manager, Havells India Ltd

Gautam Seth, Jt. MD, HPL Electric & Power Ltd

Piyush Garg, Addl. Director, Balaji Switchgears Pvt Ltd

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